You will be able to find all academic publications, as well as other key outputs, on this page.
Local Health and Global Profits
Overcoming doubt: developing CDoH Essentials, a practical tool to introduce the commercial determinants of health. Anna Brook, Katherine Körner, May C I van Schalkwyk, Amy Barnes, Mark Petticrew. Health Promo Int.
How Could We Establish Monitoring and Surveillance of Health-Harming Corporations and Can Governments Be Trusted to Do It?; Comment on “National Public Health Surveillance of Corporations in Key Unhealthy Commodity Industries – A Scoping Review and Framework Synthesis”. Anna B. Gilmore, Raouf Alebshehy, Stella Bialous. Int J Health Policy Manag.
Protecting future generations from commercially driven health harms: lessons from tobacco control. Anna B Gilmore, Amber van den Akker. The Lancet, 2024.
Why didn’t the ‘critical juncture’ of the COVID-19 pandemic lead to the re-integration of public health into urban development policy in England? Geoff Bates, Andrew Barnfield, Nick Pearce & Sarah Ayres. Cities & Health, 2025
Alcohol labelling and cancer: a way to empower consumers despite industry opposition. Nason Maani. BMJ2, 025;
Learning from tobacco control to tackle gambling industry harms. May C I van Schalkwyk, Benjamin Hawkins, Rebecca Cassidy, Jeff Collin, Anna B Gilmore, Mark Petticrew. BMJ, 2025
20th anniversary of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control coming into force: time for a step change in ambition. Gilmore, Anna B et al. The Lancet, Volume 405, Issue 10480, 677 – 681.
Population Mental Health
Social connection interventions and depression in young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clotilde Vazquez Alvarez, Luwaiza Mirza, Jayati Das-Munshi, Tassia Kate Oswald. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 2024
Community-based interventions on the social determinants of mental health in the UK: an umbrella review. Nia Williams, James B. Kirkbride. Journal of Public Mental Health, 2024.
Health, Disability, and Economic Inactivity Following a Diagnosis of a Severe Mental Illness: Cohort Study of Electronic Health Records Linked at the Individual-Level, to Census from England. L. Cybulski, M.E. Dewey, R. Hildersley, C. Morgan, R. Stewart, M. Wuerth, and J. Das-Munshi. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2024.
Changing the trajectories of mental health difficulties in Norfolk and Suffolk: a research-priority-setting project with patients, the public, clinicians, policymakers and other stakeholders—study protocol Sherifat Oduola, Craig Morgan, Jayati Das-Munshi, Helen Parretti, Kristy Sanderson, Caitlin Notley, Amy Zile, Sol Morrissey, Zarnie Khadjesari,Joni Holmes. BMJ Open 2024.