Announcing a new vacancy in the Population Mental Health consortium at the UCL Division of Psychiatry, School of Life & Medical Sciences.
Seeking an outstanding postdoctoral research fellow in psychiatric epidemiology, causal inference methods in epidemiology, biostatistics or a similarly quantitatively-focussed discipline to undertake rigorous quantitative analysis of population-based longitudinal surveys and routinely collected health data. They will apply causal inference methods such as Bayesian hierarchical interrupted time series and difference-in-difference models, inverse probability weighting, g-methods, instrumental variable analyses, causal mediation, positive and negative control outcomes, propensity score methods including regression discontinuity, and natural experiments including discordant sibling methods, Mendelian randomisation and other quasi-experimental approaches. They will evaluate research questions that both (1) strengthen the evidence base around the social determinants of mental health, and (2) examine the effects of policy or public health interventions on mental health, using UK-based datasets.
The postholder will be able to develop and consolidate their experience of applying causal inference methods to longitudinal survey data and routinely-collected health data. They will will draft manuscripts for publication, present research findings at meetings and conferences. They will be given opportunities to develop and pursue their own research questions within the UK context on issues pertinent to the PMH Consortium.
Salary: Non-clinical research staff Pay Scale Grade 7 up to spine point 34, the annual salary for which ranges from £43,124 to £47,757 (including London Allowance).
Closing date: 22 January 2025.